
Our longing for authenticity is growing proportionately to the rate at which hand craftsmanship is disappearing from our daily lives. Participating in a creative process is now almost as important as the end result. We want to see perfection, but feel uniqueness and emotion. This makes genuine jewellery, which offers all of this at the highest level, more relevant and coveted than ever.
Nobody knows this better than the Munich jewellery designer RONA TILGNER, who specialises in the creation of luxurious custom pieces. Her new showroom in Schwabing’s Franz-Joseph-Straße displays items from the Very Fine Jewellery category: modern objects of desire that are just what their wearers need. Each piece is elaborately created from the most exclusive materials. In RONA TILGNER’S hands gold, platinum and silver take on their most select form, with glittering coloured gemstones and sensual pearls revealing their full potential.
The decor of the showroom is minimalist, further accentuating the treasures on display. In plain glass cubes RONA TILGNER presents all categories of genuine jewellery: prêt-à-porter, prêt-à-couture and haute couture. As a consequence, collectors and aficionados arrive in search of dialogue with the designer, the almost boundless range of choice and true luxury.
Be yourself
Nothing emphasises the character more stylishly than necklaces, rings or brooches that are one of a kind. That evoke a perfect moment, maintain a capricious mood or express a motto to live by. RONA TILGNER’S own collection comprises intricate chandelier pendants and bangles in power hues, pastel-coloured floral brooches and high-carat power rings. Many of the elegantly-minimal forms are intended to be worn daily, but also for nightlife and galas. Clipping on ornaments, stones or pearls transforms them into opulent pieces suitable for the evening.
Custom pieces, the pinnacle of jewellery design, begin with intensive personal consultation at RONA TILGNER. The designer uses this dialogue as the basis for artistic drawings, followed by fittings and the opportunity to observe the manufacturing process. “My customers love the experience of being part of the creative process,” says RONA TILGNER. “I enable them to give form to their emotions: it is a magical experience every time.”
Questions & Answers
Where to find her: Franz-Joseph-Straße, Schwabing
Education and training: Studies in Design, training as gold and silversmith
Strengths: Specialist for gemmology and pearls
Added value: Designs in the form of artistic drawings
Characteristics: Exclusive materials, perfect craftsmanship
Guarantee of quality: Pure hand craftsmanship
Particular feature: Realistic animal portraits in jewellery format
Personal ambition: To make dreams come true!